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Giaco Schiesser | |||||
Biography: | Giaco Schiesser (*1953 in Glarus, CH) is professor for the theory and history of the media as well as head of the department "New Media" at the "School of Art and Design Zurich" (HGKZ). He studied German studies, philosophy, history, and English language and literature at the University of Basel and the Freie Universität (FU) in Berlin. From 1984 to 1987, he was assistant for New German Literature in the German Seminar at the University of Basel. From1983 to1993, he was co-editor of the magazine "Widerspruch" (Zurich) and between 1989 and 1994 he was scientific editor of "WochenZeitung". From 1991 to 1996, he was employed at the Institute for Migration and Racism Research in Hamburg. Since 1994, he has been docent for the history and theory of visual communication at the "School of Design Zurich" (SfGZ). He was guest docent at the Fachhochschule Köln, Design department. From 1996 and 1997, he assisted in the establishment of the university department "New Media" at the "School of Design Zurich" (SfGZ) / "School of Art and Design Zurich" (HGKZ) as head of the university department (designated) and in autumn 1998, he was also appointed professor for this department. His work focuses on the culture of media, ideology, culture, democracy, and everyday life. | ||||
Selected publications: | Der grosse Treck gen Cyberspace. Ökonomie - Staat - Demokratie. Eine Bilanz. In: XXX. Ed. by ALCATEL. Zurich 1998. (to be published) Wir fahren auf der Autobahn! Mit Multimedia auf dem Weg ins ökologische Zeitalter? In: Umwelt und Kommunikation. 5. Luzerner Umweltsymposium (1996). Ed. by Hans-Niklaus Müller. Luzern 1998 (= series of publications Luzerner Stadtökologischer Studien, Vol. 9). (to be published) Das Paradies liegt westwärts! 9 Thesen zur Version 8.0 der besten aller Welten. In: Multi Media Mania. Reflexionen zu Aspekten der Neuen Medien. Ed. by René Pfammatter. Konstanz: UVK / Ölschläger 1998. Wahrnehmung im Cyberspace. Warum Sie sich dringend für die Kunst der Algorithmen interessieren sollten. In: ETH-Bulletin, Magazin der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich, No. 266 / June 1997 (Theme: Virtual knowledge - visualised worlds.). (also in Arbeitswelt, Demokratie, Staat - einige Problemfelder im politischen und sozialen Umfeld elektronischer Märkte. In: Beat Schmid, Yves Pigneur, Giaco Schiesser: Electronic Markets: Importance and Meaning for Switzerland. Bern: Schweizerischer Wissenschaftsrat, SWR, 1996. (= Technology Assessment, TA, 23/1996), pp. 163 - 207. |
Institution: | ![]() |
School of Art and Design, Department for New Media
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