People, 1. -  3. October 1998
Veronika Ratzenböck
Biography: Veronika Ratzenböck is head of Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen. Degree in history of science and German philology at the University of Salzburg and University of Vienna, contemporary history in Vienna. Research projects since 1996 on cultural, economic and social history of the twentieth century. Various culture study projects. 1991 establishment and management of Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen, an institute for applied culture research focusing on comparative culture policy, European culture policy and cultural aspects of European integration. Research projects and publications (selection): "Culture policy in Europe - European culture policy"; project: "Evaluation of national European culture policy and administration" (42 European country profiles); project: "Culture policy in Austria" (federal states and departments, scenarios); specialist project: "EU culture and media policy", art and culture subsidies, culture management, etc. 1996 lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Vienna, 1997 visiting professor at the Institute for Philosophy of Law at the University of Salzburg. Editor of the series published by Österreichische Kulturdokumentation.
Institution: The "Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen" is an extra-university, non-profit making institute for applied cultural research and cultural documentation, which, across the different fields, documents and analyses the significant national, European and international developments in culture, cultural policy and cultural research, and publishes the research results as books in the institute's series of publications or as reports.
Österreichische Kulturdokumentaiton