Biography: |
Degree in history, German studies and communications; researcher at Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen and lecturer at the Institute for History and Institute for Contemporary History at the University of Vienna. Research focuses: consumer history, EU culture and media policy. Publications (selection): EU-Kulturpolitik-Europäische Kulturpolitik? Ökonomie, Politik und Kultur im Kontext, in: Andrea Ellmeier/ Béla Rásky, Kulturpolitik in Europa-Europäische Kulturpolitik. Von nationalstaatlichen und transnationalen Konzeptionen, Vienna 1997 (series published by Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen, edited by Veronika Ratzenböck, volume 5) (appeared in October 1998 in English and French); "Addressing the Public" Television, Consumption and the Family in Austria in the 1950s and 1960s, in: Mica Nava/ Andrew Blake/ Iain MacRury/ Barry Richards (ed.), Buy this Book. Studies in Advertising and Consumption, London/ New York 1997 (together with Monika Bernold); Konsum, Politik und Geschlecht. Zur "Feminisierung" von Öffentlichkeit als Strategie und Paradox, in: Europäische Konsumgeschichte. Zur Gesellschafts- und Kulturgeschichte des Konsums (18.-20. Jahrhundert), edited by Hannes Siegrist, Hartmut Kälble, Jürgen Kocka, Frankfurt/Main and New York 1997 (together with Monika Bernold).
Institution: |
The "Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen" is an extra-university,
non-profit making institute for applied cultural research and cultural documentation, which, across the different
fields, documents and analyses the significant national, European and international developments in culture, cultural
policy and cultural research, and publishes the research results as books in the institute's series of publications or as