STATEMENTS (choose one)
Maarten Asscher
Robert Adrian
Kimmo Aulake
Richard Barbrook
Eddie Berg
Andreas Broeckmann
Frauke Burgdorff
Bernard Casey
Wolfgang Coy
Peter Curman
Simon Davies
Ralf Ebert
Karlheinz Essl
Andy Feist
Georg Franck
Rene Fries
David Garcia
Michael Grant
Heide Grundmann
Lisa Haskel
Eleonore Hostasch
Heiko Idensen
Steven Kurtz
Geert Lovink
Heidi Meissnitzer
John Morley
Leon Van Noorden
Sally Jane Norman
Marko Peljhan
Terhi Penttilä
Miklos Peternak
Norbert Riedl
Thorsten Schilling
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Peter Schreiber
Luis Soares
Michael Soendermann
Marleen Stikker
Gerfried Stocker
Giuseppe Vitiello
Peter Wittmann
KD Wolff
Rob Young
Wolfgang Zinggl
REPORTS (choose one)
Don't innovate, disseminate: distribution models
The Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder - Copyright too?
Support the Authors: Empty Cache NOW!
Be Hybrid, Be a Cultural Worker!
First things first: introductory speakers
Concentrate hard! Locations of Money, Funding and the Cultural Industries
The factory is dead, long live the factory.
FEEDBACK (choose one)
Sabine Bauer
Margarete Jahrmann
Irmgard Cornelia Klammer
Just Merit
Chris Paul
Pit Schultz