Accreditation 1. -  3. October 1998

Invitation to accreditation
Cultural Competence.
New Technologies, Culture and Employment

International Conference, Design Centre Linz, Upper Austria
Thursday, 1 October to Saturday, 3 October, 1998
An event organised by the Federal Chancellery, Department for the Arts,  in co-operation with the Federal Ministry for Health, Labour and Social Affairs and the European Commission as part of Austria's Presidency of the European Union

The subject of employment leads the priority list of the EU and is being discussed all over Europe. In the framework of the Austrian presidency of the European Union, it is a special concern to the Secretary of State for Art, Peter Wittman, to provide impetus to the debate on the importance of the Art and Culture sector for the job market as well as the re-positioning of culture in the context of the new media. The conference "Cultural Competence. New Technologies, Culture and Employment (1 – 3 October, 1998), organised by the Federal Chancellery, invites international experts to Linz.

New technologies and media require a cultural context for users and for their own further development. This "creative potential" of culture has an everyday importance that goes beyond social innovation. By creating new professions and types of work, it is also becoming increasingly significant for society as a whole. On technology-driven markets, producers of culture are always in demand as "content suppliers".

The conference "Cultural Competence. New Technologies, Culture and Employment" , which has been prepared by a working group headed by Österreichische Kulturdokumentation. Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen, will bring together experts from the fields of science, administration, politics and culture from around Europe, in order to reflect upon the new working and production conditions of Art and Culture in the context of the new technologies.

To be discussed are the current meaning of the terms "culture" and "employment" as well as the end of mono-sequential (earnings-oriented) careers. New forms of conveying of contents of the information society are the subject, as well as the requirement for innovative education strategies - in socio-political future scenarios, culture and the arts are now being treated more and more often as potential new "job creators".

 The type of work and employment situations envisioned and the changes that have taken place in the role of culture within ICT (information and communication technology) will be discussed using European "best practice" models as examples. The conference will also delve into the effects of the changes in distribution structures that have been brought about by these new technologies and explore the general question of forward-looking forms of work in the cultural sector.

Technology policy needs cultural policy

It is the concern of the conference, to divest the term "culture" of the prejudice of its arbitrariness and to reflect in more concrete terms on the new opportunities as well the limits of labour-market prospects and practices in culture and the arts, particularly with regard to the re-positioning of "creativity" in European employment policies.

It is the political objective of the conference to integrate culture into the concepts of the information society and, above all, into the employment policy guidelines of the European Union.

Your Accreditation

We hope that we have sparked your interest with this program of events (see enclosure) and that we will have the pleasure of seeing you at the conference in Linz. For your accreditation, please return the enclosed registration form to us by 15 September 1998 at the latest. We are happy to organise the hotel room for you, however costs of accommodation are not the responsibility of the organiser. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

We kindly ask you to announce this event. Thank you!

For more press information please contact:
ikp - Institute for Communication-Planning, Vienna 
Birgit Brandner, Astrid Ebenführer
A-1070 Vienna, Siebensterngasse 31
Tel. +43 1 524 77 90, Fax +43 524 77 90-5
Information concerning accommodation:
ikp Wien
Judith Reikerstorfer, Theresa Mosing
Tel: +43 1 524 77 90-37, -38, Fax -39